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Thursday 4 January 2018

Glasgow Weight Loss - The Real Reasons Why Diets Don't Work

The 9 REAL Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight…

You know what to do, but are you doing what you know?

Or is there something else inside you sabotaging your efforts?

Over the years as a hypnotherapist and life coach I’ve worked with hundreds of people on weight issues.  The fact is you can give someone a workout routine, you can give them nutritional supplements, but does that always work?
You see, the mind runs the body - getting motivated and staying motivated are key, bad habits can creep in, you know the story. That’s where I come in. Imagine if you could programme the mind to keep you on the weight loss, or weight gain programme?  How cool would that be?  So let’s take a closer look at what’s really going on inside your mind and body…

There are 9 Typical causes of weight gain in the people I’ve worked with

1. You unconsciously
modelled someone in
authority when you were
very young. For example
perhaps your Aunt Bertha
was the matriarch in the
family and held all the
power. It’s quite possible
that your young mind
equated power with size,
and now your blueprint is
set at that size too, because
you want that same level
of power… Think of your
childhood heroes, idols or
loved ones. Were any of
them big, and had clout?

2. Self punishment – perhaps
you have done something
wrong in your past, you’ve
violated your own moral
code, and actually a part of
you feels guilty. Many
overweight people are
secretly being “punished”
by their unconscious mind
as payback.

3. Secondary gain – a term
used in psychotherapy and
counselling to describe a
reward or payoff behind
the problem. Yes you
have an issue, but the issue
brings with it some hidden
“perk” or benefit, and that
keeps the issue in your life.
To give up the issue would
mean giving up the
benefits. These can include
protection, significance,
empathy, sympathy,
attention. A common one
is avoiding intimacy or
attraction – by making
yourself unattractive then
you avoid having to have
those intimate
conversations or

4. Body armour to keep you
safe. Literally putting
some distance between you
and anyone else who might
want to get in, or get close.
People who feel vulnerable
or sensitive often gain
weight to give them “a
thicker skin”, or to make
them bigger than their
opponent. Fat people can
be intimidating too.

5. The weight is the visible
result of some significant
emotional event – a life
shock in the past, painful
memories with trapped
emotions. Think about it –
people who comfort eat are
consuming food to change
their emotional state. Well
that presupposes their
emotional state isn’t that
pleasant to begin with.
And why would that be?
Because they are focussing
on past hurts or an old
unhealed wound. Stored
anger = cellulite according
to Louise Hay

6. Internal conflict – the
proverbial devil and the
angel on your shoulder.
Frequently revealed by the
phrase “part of me wants
to but part of me doesn’t”.
The person is prevented
from doing something they
shouldn’t do on some
level. The internal
struggle often manifests
itself in poor dietary habits
– why bother trying to eat
healthy, I always sabotage
myself anyway. Oops I’ve
done it again…

7. Psychosomatic – the
weight is actually like a
red light on your
dashboard. Your
unconscious mind is trying
to get your attention, and
actually the underlying
issue is the real problem,
not the increasing waist
line. You ignored the
dreams, you denied the
hunches, and you stopped
listening to your gut –
literally. Now it’s trying
to make you stop by giving
you something you can’t

8. Simple genetics – you’re
one of the huge group in
the population who has a
slow metabolism, or big
bones, and your genetics
are set for you to be bigger
than most. The round face,
the pear shaped body, short

9. The simplest and most
obvious – you eat too
much too often! Whether
it’s intentionally, or you’re
addicted to food, it’s
simply a case of consume
less calories and burn more
calories. However, I
suspect that if you’re still
reading this, then you’ve
worked that out for
yourself, and so it must be
one of the other eight!

*******Special Offer!*******

NO MATTER which of these 9 reasons you might suspect apply to you, we have a way of dealing with it.  We’d like to make you an irresistible offer to help you with your weight loss and toning up goals, FREE. We’d like to invite you on our 5 day "Think & Grow Slim Challenge".

Click HERE for details

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